Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Song Lyric: "And a green balloon"

So, with the release of my new album coming, I thought I would share the lyrics to one of the new songs. It's called "and a green balloon"

Loudly, stomping on the sidewalk,
brand new dress and knee socks 
and a green balloon.

Fingers wrapped around the strand
that bound balloon to hand. 
Said mother, "do the best you can 
to hold on tight."

Anxious, waylaid by the street light,
fidget, frown, but sit tight holding mother's hand.

Stranger, eye's on her balloon 
says, "things they pass too soon,
so don't let go, the things we love
we tend to lose."

"…hold on tight"
"…don't let go"

Grandma sipping from her tea cup,
graying hair and make-up 
covers crows feet's lines. 

Winking, whispers in her ear, 
"grand daughter don't you fear.
Yes, things will fade, but make the most
while you're still here."

She took her green balloon
and loosed it on the sky, 
                                                                                                watching it dip and sway
                                                                                                among the power lines.

From childhood on, we are taught to treat things as precious and we cling to our possessions afraid to lose them. However, the little girl in this song finds the most joy in watching her possession float away from her.

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