Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Looking forward...

It's a new year, and there's a lot of stuff coming up for me. First and foremost, I am finally working on recording a new album! There will be more information on that as it develops, but for now, know that it is called "Home and Other Virtues" and I will be releasing it sometime in spring or early Summer!

Also, I have begun booking for the spring and summer months. Hopefully, you will be able to catch me at a number of farmer's markets, bars and coffee shops around Milwaukee. If you know of a place you think I should play, please drop me a line in the contact section of my website or on Facebook.

A few other things to look forward to:

- New T-shirts
- New Buttons
- New Stickers

Basically there will be a total merch overhaul!

Alright, that's all for now, I have to get back to recording.

be safe

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