Thursday, January 30, 2014

Just want to play.

Every time I hear a good song, it just makes me want to play some music. But then I need to turn the song off so I can play. 

Life is hard.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A show, an album, and stuff.

Oh hello there, reader. I didn't see you come in.

Tomorrow night, I will be heading out Steven's Point, Wisconsin, for a show at the University! Opening for a band called Griswald, hailing from Madison. See the links:

This is the show:

As some of you know I'm from the central Wisconsin Area myself, and I'm pumped to get to play so close to home. 

Hey, guess what…

Recording and mixing is finished on my upcoming album "Home and Other Virtues" and I am in the process of developing the artwork with some friends of mine: Kevin Fedewa(illustration) and Diana Kraus(photos). I will be posting some pictures as they become available. 

I will be releasing the album sometime in Spring, but stay tuned for previews of some of the new tracks.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Looking forward...

It's a new year, and there's a lot of stuff coming up for me. First and foremost, I am finally working on recording a new album! There will be more information on that as it develops, but for now, know that it is called "Home and Other Virtues" and I will be releasing it sometime in spring or early Summer!

Also, I have begun booking for the spring and summer months. Hopefully, you will be able to catch me at a number of farmer's markets, bars and coffee shops around Milwaukee. If you know of a place you think I should play, please drop me a line in the contact section of my website or on Facebook.

A few other things to look forward to:

- New T-shirts
- New Buttons
- New Stickers

Basically there will be a total merch overhaul!

Alright, that's all for now, I have to get back to recording.

be safe