Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Beard

    (poem and illustration by Shel Silverstein)

I thought that I would never actually end up growing a long beard. I'd let it grow a quarter inch, or at best an inch long if it were a particularly busy month, but inevitably, I would get tired of the itch,  tired of the look and hastily shave it off.

I'm an unfussy guy when it comes to hair care in general. At 27, I've entered the distinguished ranks of bald men and have resigned my self to quick buzzes with a cheap, electric clipper. If you spread the cost of the clipper over the 3 or so years I've had it, I've probably spent less then $0.40 per haircut. There ARE some perks to going bald, folks.

Like I said, I'm unfussy. However, I've been letting my beard grow. Say what you will about the feral manliness of an un-groomed man mane on your face, let me tell you that it gets old pretty quick.

A few years ago, a couple of friends bought me a bottle of that stuff pictured above. It's called Wild Man Beard Conditioner (which you can purchase here). Since then, my beard is smoother, less itchy, and smells GREAT!

I guess what I'm getting at is: IF YOU HAVE A BEARD BUY SOME OF THIS STUFF!

That's all.

Seriously, I just rub a few drops of this elixir into my face hair and BLAM. Sweet smelling soft beardiosity. But, if this iteration doesn't float your hairy boat, check out some more options here, or also here.

I'm out.